Register / Access your account 

1. If you have been our backers before, then login to the account.

2. If you are not our backers before, please register


Input your Phone Number in account information

We need you to input your phone number for shipping. Click here to member centre and input it. 

Select Item and Add On

You can select any item as online shopping usually . Payment will be charged by paypal separetely. 




Fast checkout & double confirmation

Check out and double confirm your address and information. 

Make sure you have pressed the CONFIRM ORDER button check out page: 

Trace your order


Order status / record will be shown in your account. When order is ready to ship, you will receive an email notification.



Status  in your order


Pending - Your order is confirmed and no add on payment.

Payment received - Your order is confrimed with add on payment also.

Ready to ship -  We are ready to ship your parcel.

Shipped - The parcel was shipped with tracking code in remark section. 

Need Help ?

If you have any question please contact us via the "CONTACT" button.



Q1: When I input the email to reset password, but there is no record?

A1: Please contact us via email.

Q2: If the project dose not reach the initail goal, can we return ?

A2: Sure, actually all the funding are handled by Paypal gateway with sufficient protection.

Q3. All the project is lauched by Locker Toys ?

A3: Ya, the projects in Backport all are launched from Locker Toys which is well estiblished 1/18 figure compnay.